Seen at 1am

Alone in my black hole stuffed bed
I grab my oblong
Out its outlet
And let it sustain my mass
until <u>midnight</u>,

Letting the blue light
Feed into me
Keeping me ( IN/OUT )
Blissful sleep

I send out texts with X’s in droves (yo what’s up man! x)
And hope I receive loads
Back, but no;
just one small minnow;
One small notification dot that dings (!)
An acquaintance, conveniently active;
So in our ennui we start interacting.

But what a blessing in blue light ✨

We type away the night with our worries, our cares,

Our 😇, our 😈,

Which in blue-grey clouds carry our prayers

Companioned until the dawn chorus rising

Or at least until our alarm apps start chastising

Our ignorance

So, we laugh


To plant what we just stemmed;

we saw each other and were
✅seen at 1am

George Millership

Isn’t it great making a new mate from someone you already knew?

I’d love to see more emojis and modern slang in poetry. Please let me know of any you particularly like.

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